Intangible Holiday Gift Guide
Are you still looking for the perfect holiday gift but don't want / need more stuff? Check out my new Intangible Holiday Gift Guide for...

Intuitive Eating???
Are you currently dieting? Have you been on a diet recently? Have you been dieting for a long time? For years? For decades? For as...

Have you ever been tired? Ha ha ha...who hasn't? Research indicates that 6-8 hours of sleep is best for the body to function normally. ...

Hey! Thanks for asking. We’re doing OK. Yeah, the kids are managing. You know it’s hard with virtual school but they’ve been able to...

I used to think that hard work was the key to happiness, that the faster I ascended the less stressed I would be, that when I achieved my...

For me, it's not a nervous twitch, it's Restless Leg Syndrome, which is actually categorized as a sleep disorder.

For the next month or so you will be flooded with images and messaging that will tell you that your body is not the right size, that you...

I knew this was coming when people started commenting on our older daughter's appearance as a toddler. It was then that we decided we...

I'm working on something scary, big and scary, no, very big and very scary. It's something I have been wanting to do for a long time,...

There's no doubt that anxiety is high in these troubling and uncertain times. As if the pandemic isn't causing enough worry about the...

You may have heard me make the analogy that food is to your body as gasoline is to your car. If you put orange juice in your car's gas...

Normal.Not Normal.
🙋🏻♀️Have you been there? ALL NORMAL! But you still feel unwell. 🤷🏻♀️Perhaps you’ve been told it’s all in your head, you’re...

This summer has rocked me - in good ways and not-so-good ways. I mean, we did everything and nothing in the same 8-week period of time.

Pressure. Cooker.
Life is a pressure cooker. Career, relationships, parenting, money, lack of sleep, exercise, rest...and on, and on, and on. Self-care...

🛩 Both in business and in life we hear about the 10,000 or 30,000 foot view - climbing high above the situation to take a look at the...

🤦🏽♀️ Are you stuck? Stagnant? Unhappy? Unhealthy? Not achieving the results you want? Not heading in the direction you want? Not...

🌞Day➡️🌛Night 👩🏻⚕️Working mama➡️💃🏼Date night wifey 👟Before➡️👠After took no more than 20 minutes courtesy of... * ...

👶🏼My nephew is 10 months old and he just slept through the night! 🤕 Insomnia can wreak havoc on your body and folks like me wish we...

☕️ Coffee is my spirit animal, my love language, my therapy, my valentine, my bestie. ☕️ Southern Season Hazelnut is my favorite. ☕️...

Musings on mothering daughters...(keep reading even if you aren’t a mother or don’t have a daughter - because if you know a girl, you can...

Chicken soup from farm(stand) to table... 🍲 Cooking is magic, I swear. 🍲 It's the marriage of science and art - merging ingredients...

🗓 We are more than 8 weeks into 2019. 🗑 Most of the people I know ditched their New Year's Resolution around week 2. 📘(A study...

You are... 💎what you read and watch, 💎what you say and do, 💎what you put in and on your body, 💎what you believe in your heart, ...

The road has many ups and downs; unexpected divots, bumps you've been warned about, soft gentle hills, rollercoaster-sized drops and slow...

🥑Before there was medicine there was food. 🍅For millions of years we evolved using food to nourish and heal us. 🍏Now that we have...

For ten years, my mother blamed everything on menopause. Hot flashes, forgetfulness, mood swings, sleepless nights of course. But somehow...

We all have that one health and fitness lover in our lives... Here are my favorite finds for healthy holiday gift-giving. Click the links...

My husband always asks me why i don’t worry. He’s a worrier by nature and at times the small stuff gets to him. To start, I was raised to...

You know that woman you work or socialize with who is always perfectly put together? I mean, dress up or dress down she is always...

Overwhelmed? Stressed? Too much to do, too little time? Remember yourself, your physical and emotional well-being, amidst the holiday...

I know you working moms will understand this and empathize with me. I’m decompressing with a mud mask (does this stuff really work?)...

Very few people have ever seen me cry. I have a very ugly crying face but that’s not the only reason. I was raised in a family of very...

How high is your risk for physical, social and emotional burnout? Take this free quiz...and then scroll down for the answer key. If you...

When my kids are all talking to me at the same time - asking me to sign homework, make bread and butter because “I’m starrrrving,” take...

Flashback Friday... remember that test I took back in March... my board recertification exam? * * * 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁......I passed! I...

⚪️ Pearl Alert brought to you by emphysema and the brilliant doctors at Harvard Medical School.... ⚪️ You think we have a drug problem...

Summer is in full swing so I'm clearing up some myths and spreading some serious truths about tick bites. I got a call while I was...

My mother was a true patriot. She scoffed at people who only flew their American flags on Veteran's Day, Memorial Day and the 4th of...

The early summer reminds me of death - the late sunsets, warm humidity, cars decorated with school colors indicating that the passengers...

Remember that big exam I was studying for? Tomorrow is part one. I’m here at ACOFP in Austin decompressing before I have to demonstrate...