Alexis Hugelmeyer, D.O.
Board Certified in Family & Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Lex Favorites
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Here are the wellness products and books (with affiliate links) that I have been recommending to my patients for years. AND my favorite self-care and style finds. I'll be updating often, so check back soon! * * * * *
Vitamins & Supplements
Enjoy a 10% DISCOUNT on my most commonly recommended vitamins and supplements. I prefer these particular products and brands because the companies voluntarily submit their products for inspection to ensure quality and accuracy of labeling. Just click on the link and create an account for access to the whole dispensary.
Please remember, it is imperative that you discuss all supplements and medications, even over-the-counters with your doctor. Many supplements interact with other medicines or can have unwanted side effects. In no way, should this list of supplements be construed as personalized recommendation.