This summer has rocked me - in good ways and not-so-good ways. I mean, we did everything and nothing in the same 8-week period of time.
🛳We traveled. A lot. 🥩We ate all the goodies. 🍷We drank all the drinks. 🌊We sat by the pool and the ocean, on a boat and on land. 🌻We visited with friends and family. 🎈We did birthdays, and camp, and cookouts, and campouts. 📷We made lots and lots of memories.
But as a result of doing all the things...we felt extremely unproductive, disorganized and without our usual healthy routine.
As we drove 12 hours home from our last trip of the summer we took a good look at the coming weeks and decided it is important for us to start planning to get back into the healthy swing of things.
So we wrote down our to do list to bring back BALANCE, which includes...
📌Meal planning and prepping with more fruits, veggies and water. 📌Moving our bodies 5-6 days per week. 📌Getting to sleep at a reasonable hour and sleeping 6-8 hours per night. 📌Practicing meditation, gratitude, self-reflection as a means of stress management. 📌Scheduling date nights once a month. 📌Blocking off time to socialize with friends. 📌Keeping up with self care. 📌Finding opportunities to be outside in nature to connect with our spiritual selves.
Sounds like a lot to tackle, but we have made organization a priority to set ourselves up for success. And we're using this last week before school starts to really develop healthier habits and routine. We've created shared calendars, shopping and meal plans, carpool schedules and we organized our home for maximal efficiency when going between practices, games, and events.
In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing some of our strategies to focus on, what I believe are the eight centers of health and wellness - Nourishment, Exercise, Sleep, Stress Management, Self Care, Social Relationships, Sexual Health and Spiritual Health.
I'm sure some of you are like us and have lost all control this summer - and I hope it has given you a chance to rest and reset. But if you're craving a healthier routine, I hope you'll follow along with us as we get back to balance!
Are you excited to make alllll the healthy changes with us??? If so, tell me the ONE thing you're most excited about changing on Facebook and Instagram @doctorlexrx or shoot me an email and tell me your goals Can't wait!
xoxo, Dr.Lex