I know you working moms will understand this and empathize with me. I’m decompressing with a mud mask (does this stuff really work?) after working seven night shifts in a row. Feeling exhausted, unfocused and scattered, I wrote down how I spent the last week, 168 hours and why... I was surprised at what I learned about how I spend my time.
8 hours driving to and from football practice or games (because all he’s ever wanted to do in his seven short years on earth is play football. This schedule will soon be replaced by basketball and wrestling)...
8 hours at football practice or games (because I'm his best cheerleader and it's important that I'm there every time he looks for me in the crowd)....
3 hours driving to and from dance (because seriously I don't mind driving. I love my truck and my playlists and driving gives me a chance to connect with each kid individually while rocking out to said killer playlists. Mama-style multi-tasking)...
2 hours at dance (because AKA living vicariously and reliving my youth as a dancer through my little girls)...2 hours driving to and from gymnastics (because maybe I should just work for Uber?)....
2 hours at gymnastics (because strength, focus, patience and persistence are what little girls and boys are made of)....
7 hours driving to and from work (because I can't fly and this is my time to make my business calls and catch up with my dad in NY until he moves here (not soon enough) Boss-style multi-tasking)....
63 hours at work (because taking care of others in their most vulnerable times makes me feel valued. Also they give me a paycheck)....
49 hours sleeping (because I guess I have to sleep, right?)...
2 hours exercising (because I intend to live a long and healthy life; because I like looking fab and wearing beautiful clothes; because it's free and makes me feel good; because it gives me energy and lifts my mood; the list goes on and on)....
2.5 hours in the pickup line at school (this part of the list has got to go. How do I get them to take the freakin’ bus?)...
3.5 hours cooking dinner (because it’s important to me that I nourish their bodies and souls with good home-cooked food, plus I’m kinda really good at it)...
2 hours sweeping crumbs, paying bills, folding laundry, and more laundry and more laundry (this would be much more if it weren’t for my husband but we divide and conquer when it comes to chores so I at least have to do my share)...
7 hours developing my website and working on social media (because finding a creative way to impact people’s health and wellness has been invigorating and is allowing me to pursue my professional interests outside of the hospital)...
2 hours helping Michael with marketing his real estate business (because seeing him work towards his goals inspires me to do the same, because he’s finally in a position where he will be able to use his best skills and reach his full potential, and because I would do anything just be in the same room with him (he’s really funny and so fun to stare at)...
2 hours grocery shopping (because I go several times a weekand buy smaller loads for fresher meals and less food waste)...
That leaves 3 free hours to shower, get dolled up, watch Jeopardy, drink coffee on the porch swing, hang with my brother and sister in law, and do some more laundry 😫.
When I review this list I don’t resent or regret any of my obligations. In fact I was pleasantly surprised at how efficient and productive I was last week despite being very tired. I would however like to brainstorm ways to multitask and figure out how else I can outsource some of my responsibilities (anyone want to do pickup for me? Grocery delivery perhaps). I’d like to get creative so that I can carve out time in the schedule to be outside more, meditate, plan a date night and individual mama-mini time with each of my little ones.
It sounds silly but I encourage you to do this exercise with me because I often hear, “I don’t have time to exercise” or “I don’t have time to meal prep or cook.” If you look you might find some. Taking care of your health and mental wellness requires time and effort. It should be part of your weekly schedule.If you’re short on time can you find ways to multitask? Outsource? Are you wasting time doing less important things that are slowing you down or making you less productive? I’d love to hear how you spent your last 168 hours...